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the White Rhino


A wall mounted clothes hanger that resembles in form the White Rhinos’ s horn.



The wooden base is safely mounted at a surface, whereas the upper oak part of the horn fits easily with the base, allowing in this way thew possibility of changing the horn and placing another one from other Rhino as all bases are the identical for all rhino types (Black, White, Indian, Sumatran and Javan). This flexibility of placing the rhino horn at it’s bas, gives in turn an opportunity to easily change rhino horns according to someone’s liking when more then on rhino is mounted in a wall.


With responsibility to Rhinos !

We donate towards WWF’s charitable work by contributing a percentage of the purchase of any object in the Rhino range.

More details at WWF campaigns for Rhinos

White Rhino brief facts

The White Rhinoceros is one of the five species of rhinoceros and lives in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Selects mainly grasslands and savannahs, and is the largest land mammal after the elephant, weighing from 1500-3000 kg. It has two horns on the muzzle with the front to be sufficiently larger than the other ranging from 90 cm length up to 1.50 m. Their eyesight is poor but have good hearing and mainly rely on smell to detect their environment. In the late 19th century, it had almost extinct due to extensive hunting, but thanks to protection and conservation programs the current population is over 20,000.


Weight 0,540 kg
Dimensions 13,40 × 5,7 × 26,80 cm



Black, White

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